Christian teacher and school leadership openings

Listed below are positions available in ACSI Europe member schools. If you are interested in any of the positions listed, please contact the school directly. Schools who are ACSI Europe members are welcome to advertise vacancies.

Positions in the UK are posted on the website of a partner organization, Christian Schools' Trust. Go to

We have a member school in a limited-access country that is always in need of quality English-speaking teachers. Please check their vacancies page here:

For other countries, you may always check our school membership directory and search by country or school name for website and contact information.


jobs board

Positions are open for teaching and support roles in international schools across Europe. These are Christian schools that serve both the local and ex-pat community with a quality, English language curriculum built on a biblical worldview. Please see the following links for more information:


Be sure to check the ACSI Global school vacancy page as well as the ACSI Job Board. There are teacher and school leadership openings in US schools or in international schools around the world. Here are a few of the current school headship openings:

To post a position for local, ACSI member schools in Europe, write to ACSI Europe. We plan to provide an option for member schools to post positions in the future.

International Class at DCU

The International Class consists of ten students from abroad and ten students currently enrolled at Driestar University.  It is meant to be a multi-cultural group where we focus on Christian education. This is a 3 month programme on campus in Gouda, The Netherlands.

Uniters and Reconcilers

The task of the Christian is not to whine about the moment in which he or she lives, but to understand its problems and respond appropriately to them, and, as Christian educators, to train young followers of Jesus to do the same.

March 2022 Highlights

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent activities and also request your prayers for some important upcoming programs.

Communicating Care in Education

A caring teacher-student relationship is a transformed relationship, positioning the teacher to be a trusted influence and sounding board for the student. However, despite a commitment to care, teachers are not always as successful in communicating care as they intend to be. There is often a disconnect between teacher caring intentions and actions, and the perceptions and experiences of their students. Bridging this gap can be the key to the positive outcomes.

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