Our annual Student Leadership Conference is an in-person event. Registration opens on March 1, 2025. Space for up to 220 participants is available for both of the 2 events in consecutive weeks. Register early to reserve your space!
"The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple."
Psalm 119:130
Truth can be a difficult subject in our conversations, in our relationships and in our world these days. How can we know what is true? Who can we believe? How should we live as a result? Leaders who know what truth is, where to find it and how to communicate it have a powerful tool to make a difference in their communities and bring hope and healing. The 2025 Student Leadership Conference will explore these ideas together and challenge us to trust God as the real source of truth and live as leaders committed to truth in our own lives, in our learning and in our leading.
SLC is a unique opportunity for secondary students to grow in their faith and in their leadership skills, and to fellowship and worship together with like-minded young people from many nations. SLC includes several main sessions, workshops, student discussion groups and time for fellowship and interaction between students and adults. Our desire is to serve your school and inspire ongoing student leadership training. It will be important for you to plan with your student team now to prepare for this event.
REGISTRATION is OPENSep 24-27 OR Oct 1-4, 2025 (for ages 13-18 both weeks) NOTE: - The September event fills quickly. Register early to reserve space for your group! - You must have an active ACSI school membership to register. |
We have an SLC program which ensures that the experience for each grade level is appropriate and of the best quality. Students are provided with their own discussion groups designed specifically for their needs, introducing them to the foundations of biblical leadership and the character qualities on which to build.
Students from age 16 and up have the option to lead discussion groups of their peers or for younger students. Those students who want to serve as discussion group leaders for either age group must participate in a short online training course beginning in early September.
NOTE: We require contact information for the nominated student discussion leaders when you submit participant data.
Student Selection:
It is very important to begin your student selection well in advance. Please consider now how this will be done so that it most benefits your students and your school as a whole.
The graduated pricing serves to encourage schools to think about selecting students early so that they will be better prepared for this event. We have many ideas for helping you prepare your students for SLC. We want each student to get the most out of this event, which can only happen with your excellent support, planning and prayer.
Zichy-Vajta Konferencia Központ
Directions and travel options here
To be announced in March
Az ACSI Európa munkatársai igyekeznek megtalálni a módot arra, hogy a jelenlegi helyzetben is támogassák a keresztyén oktatási intézmények fejlődését. Ezúttal két lehetőségre hívjuk fel figyelmüket ...
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Tel.: +36-1-292-6246