Online képzéseink jelenleg csak angol nyelven elérhetők, de már dolgozunk "Együttműködésben megvalósuló projektek" képzésünk magyar változatán. . 

Angol nyelvű leírás:

Personalized, Professional, Dynamic, Online Learning Communities

  • Personalized: Studying on your own schedule and focusing on what is important in your school setting
  • Professional: Building on the 4 key skills of 21st Century learning with and from professional educators
  • Dynamic: Enriching your understanding of both content and methods for quality, Christ-centered education
  • Online: Learning together with colleagues in multiple countries and varied educational settings
  • Learning Communities: Ensuring strong group engagement that will continue throughout the course and beyond


Enroll now for your online course

Course availability is dependent on the number of participants.
Courses are delivered through our Moodle platform at:

We offer October, February and April start dates for our online courses.


Course Catalogue:

New courses are being developed regularly and are organized in the following categories -

Education Courses (4-week courses)


Bible Courses

  • God's Unfolding Plan (8 week course / 2.67 CEUs) - This survey course gives teachers an overview of the biblical narrative, providing a platform for further Bible study and integration with classroom practice. (16 hours)
  • Advanced Bible courses will also be available soon.


Christian Philosophy of Education

  • An 8-week course of study, which includes the writing of a "Philosophy of Christian Education" paper (required for ACSI teacher certification). It is available to any teacher intent on forming a deeper understanding of Christian Education. (24 hours)


* The Collaborative Projects course requires implementation of a project for full credit. Project partners can begin the course at any time!

** The Mission of the Christian School is our introductory course with a set fee of 20 E.


Leadership Courses - primarily for students

  • The Mentoring Emerging Leaders program provides specific training in leadership on many topics. These courses are currently available to high school and college students who are recommended to us by ACSI member schools.
  • The online Student Leadership Course provides a biblical perspective on leadership and is offered as follow-up training from our annual Student Leadership Conference.
  • These courses are currently free of cost for ACSI member schools, but do have other specific requirements for participation.

 Online Courses - Pricing Table:

-- These are preliminary prices as we develop our online professional resources. NOTE that all who complete the course will receive a free electronic (PDF) completion certificate. 

Number of hours per course

Prices for ACSI member schools including all international schools

Subsidized rates for member schools in Eastern Europe and the former CIS

Standard rates for non-member schools.

6 hours / 1 CEU

40 €  20 € 60 €

12 hours

60 € 30 € 90 €

18 hours

80 € 40 € 120 €

24 hours

100 € 50 € 150 €

30 hours

120 € 60 € 180 €

** 10% discounts for 5 or more course participants from the same school.
School leaders may request access to courses for evaluation purposes.
eLearning vouchers given by our office are valid for course participation.
You may request a scholarship based on your financial context.
ACSI Europe is certified to issue CEUs (Continuing Education Units) valid within the ACSI Global community of Christian schools. These CEU's can be collected for credit toward ACSI teacher certification. The purpose of ACSI teacher certification is to strengthen Christian schools by enabling teachers to meet established professional and biblical requirements, which promotes continued professional learning and increased effectiveness in their school setting. Establishing and maintaining professional development activities and certification for staff and administration is an essential step toward professional credibility and growth. ACSI certification is available to qualified teachers, directors, and administrators of all nations.

IELC 2024-es jelentés

Az IELC 2024 áldott és elsöprő esemény volt, tele tudással, áldásokkal, igazságossággal és Isten szeretetével. számomra ez egy szükséges esemény volt, hogy lelkileg és szakmailag felnőjek.

közelebb hozzuk az iskolákat Istenhez és egymáshoz

„Azon dolgozunk, hogy közelebb hozzuk az iskolákat Istenhez és egymáshoz.” A Keresztény Iskolák Nemzetközi Szövetsége világszerte keresztény pedagógusokat támogat abban, hogy keresztény szemléletük mindinkább megjelenhessen tanításukban, és ezáltal Jézus Krisztushoz vezethessék a fiatalokat.


Az idei konferencia témájaStratégiai intézményfejlesztési kezdeményezések. Fő előadóink Dr. Larry Taylor, az ACSI elnöke, Dr. Wolfgang Stock, a VEBS német keresztyén iskolaszövetség vezetője, és más kiváló szakemberek.

Keresztyén intézményfejlesztés

Az ACSI Keresztyén Intézményfejlesztési Platformja (CSIP) egy olyan közösség, amelyben az ACSI tagintézményei értékelhetik saját előrehaladásukat, egymással együttműködve stratégiai célokat tűzhetnek ki, és az oktatás keresztyén szemléletéből kiindulva segíthetik egymást a stratégiai fejlődésben.