Christian Schools Responding to Needs

These are difficult days but God is still working in us, in our students and in our schools as we serve Him together. Many are asking us, "How can we help?" Here are some resources for you and your schools.
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Serving Ukrainian children through Christ-centered education

Teaching Ukrainian children in our communities...

  • Educational materials in Ukrainian are now available online. You can access these at These are not Christian resources and will need to be carefully presented by Ukrainians who understand teaching from a biblical worldview.
  • If you have space for a Ukrainian school in your community or are accepting new students from Ukraine, this will be a huge blessing. Please let us know what you are able to offer.


Providing financial support for refugees and Christian schools...

  • Let your students participate in raising funds. New Generation School (Kyiv) has been displaced but is still involving their own students by asking people to sponsor their reading activities. If your school would like to join their fundraiser for the remainder of the month of March, you can find out more information and sign up at the following link:
  • If you would like to donate money to help kids help Ukraine, please sign up here: All funds go to a trusted ministry for direct humanitarian relief in Ukraine.
  • ACSI Global is also collecting funds to support the ongoing needs of Christian schools. Learn more.
  • ACSI Europe is helping to coordinate information. How is your school involved in supporting refugees? Please complete our survey here.
  • We are also in close contact with many schools, churches and ministries directly supporting refugees with housing, food, education and border crossings. Please contact us with specific requests.


Inviting Ukrainian teachers and parents into the education process...

  • Your school can help Ukrainian families by providing work or engaging them in educational support services at your school. This also provides them with a healthy Christian community and helps your own students build a biblical worldview with meaningful service opportunities. Many of these parents can also teach and help you find ways to serve their refugee community effectively.


New Generation is a Christian school in Kyiv that serves Ukrainian families in a bi-lingual environment. Their families are now displaced and trying to continue education in innovative ways. You can find out more at

Five stages of Christian school maturity

"Going Deeper: The 5 Stages of Christian School Maturity" by Shaun Brooker explores the journey of Christian schools towards maturity and excellence. Each stage represents a different level of authentic Christian education, which directly influences their maturity and effectiveness in fulfilling the school's mission.

ACSI Day of Prayer 2024

On February 27, 2024, join Christian school leaders, teachers and students around the world for a day of prayer. Resources are provided for schools to organize prayer-centered activities designed to focus our attention on God's presence and provision for His work through global Christian education.

Essential Christian Teacher 2023

The Essential Christian Teacher is a unique teacher training programme provided in cooperation with Christian Schools' Trust (UK) that seeks to increase your practical understanding of how you can function effectively in your classroom in your Christian school. Registration ends on July 3, 2023.

Come and Drink

The hope of Christ-centered education is not in education as the solution, but rather in Christ as the solution and in education as a process to knowing Him and engaging in His world.