Report on SLC 2020

We are happy to share with you this brief report on the September 2020 international Student Leadership Conference (SLC). Thank you for your prayers for this special edition of SLC!

SLC 2020

Student Leadership Conference - September 21-25
For the first time in history our much appreciated event had to go online in 2020.

The success of this conference greatly depends on the relationships that usually quickly develop among the participants - students and chaperones. When we realized that this event cannot be organized as we had done it in the past 21 years, we were wondering how relationships would build without sitting next to each other, going to meals and standing in lines together, worshipping together, discussing important questions in small groups together, or playing outside together.  

We started praying along with you for a miracle that God would use the various elements of this event to bind us together through the work of the Holy Spirit. Now, we are praising the Lord because we have just seen this miracle happen. The work of the Holy Spirit is not limited by virtual presence or physical distances, and He can create and bless the fellowship we have with each other because of Jesus.

Some facts about this event:
  • 5 days (each day from 1-5 pm)
  • 269 participants
  • 25 Christian schools
  • 14 countries
  • 30 student discussion groups + 1 chaperone group
  • 3 workshop sessions (a total of 24 workshops offered)


This conference focused on the theme of Called to Lead. During the four general sessions and the closing wrap-up session, keynote speakers Leslie Johnson and Frank Cirone addressed the following topics:
  • Seeing Challenges as Opportunities for Growth
  • Seeing Freedom as an Opportunity for Responsibility
  • Seeing Need as an Opportunity to Serve
  • Seeing Position as a Calling
  • Called to Lead, Called to Serve


After each general session, students worked in small groups discussing and applying what they just learned to their personal lives and the various communities they live in.

Some comments from students about the general sessions:

  • “I really try to help others and I find it quite difficult to do that. Frank gave me so much things I can use in my everyday life.”
  • “It was a great reminder for me that I shouldn't try to avoid people around me, but I should have eyes to see their needs.”
  • “I have learned that I need a life of a leader. And I have to focus on God not on the world.”


Some comments from students about discussion groups:

  • “It was through the discussion groups that God blessed me the most. It was great talking to different people around the world and sharing our faith.”
  • “The discussion groups were the most impactful for me… the discussion groups brought so many perspectives from different cultures that I would not have ordinarily thought of.”
  • “The discussion group made me feel special, and I had the chance to get to know new people around the world. I have new friends now!”


Some comments from students about workshops:

  • “This workshop helped me a lot in my problems and questions and I in turn will know how to answer others.”
  • “I learned a lot, I loved that there was a lot of space for conversation.”
  • “Very influential talk for a part of my life I sometimes struggle with. It gave me the tools to be able to manage it.”

The workshops specifically helped the students identify and develop their God-given leadership skills and abilities.

Each school group also developed a project - action plan - for how they want to use their leadership abilities for the benefit of their Christian school communities. It was very encouraging to hear the reports from each of the school groups on their action plans. 

We received numerous positive feedback from students and chaperones about how this event impacted their lives and served the needs of their communities. Praise the Lord for His work in the lives of our leaders of tomorrow.

Thank you once again for your prayers and support of this special event. We felt the presence of God throughout the sessions and activities of this conference.
Please continue to pray for the student groups as they work on their action plans during the rest of the school year.


Online pedagógus továbbképzõ kurzusok 2017

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